Request is a good lib

source: pixiv

Web scrapping is a common task for script languages like python.
Yet Python standard libraries provide twisted utility to couple with this simple task. urllib[23$] ruins my python newbie days.
To achieve cookie support, you have to import cookielib, create a new cookie jar via the factory method, subclass a opener from the urllib, and finally use the forged opener to make a request.

Bloated boilerplate code does not seem pythonic at all. We want a simple scrapping utility that provides concise API like http verbs and, preferably, automatic session management. Request is the library comes to rescue.

The structure of Request:

  • model
  • session
  • adapter
  • api
  • etc…

model irons response and request parameters into unified objects. Both Request and Response supports generator style and file style. Magic methods empowers Request pythonic syntax. The most dirty works(say, encoding stuffs) lies here.

session acts as controller in MVC design. It combines adapter, which sends request, authentication and cookie session. Request’s streamlined API stems from an interface mocking real browsers.

adapter is a wrapper of urllib3, supporting connection pool management, keep-alive request and proxies.

api is just an alias for 1. open session 2. prepare request 3. send request. And all other modules are helpers that do stuffs like encoding and making auth token.

The design philosophy under Request is : Simple is better than functionality, however, it still grants users plenty of features.
Specific as the library aims to be, the philosophy underlying it applies much wider. jQuery’s almighty $, Chrome’s omnipotent omnibox, Google’s preeminent search engine and etc. Simplicity rocks, Usability counts.
