QuickNote Descriptor in Python

TL;DR: Descriptor in Python is just getter/setter

Three ways to implement descriptor:

  1. Use a class that implement magic method __get__, __set__, __delete__
  2. Use builtin function property(fget=None, fset=None, fdel=None, doc=None)
  3. Use decorator form of property, like @property def attr(): ..., @attr.setter, @attr.deleter

Make sure all three methods are done at class level rather than at instance level.
(That is, write my_attr = property(...) under class MyClass(object): statement,
but not self.my_attr = property(..) in __init__)

Because Python’s MRO is:

  1. find attr in instance.__dict__ (instance level)
  2. if not found, find attr in instance.__class__.__dict__. If found, try return attr.__get__, otherwise return attr (class level)
  3. if not found, repeat step 2 on instance.__class__.__base__ until attr found or no base class found
  4. if not found, try returning computed attr if __getattr__ is defined

So the descriptor magic is done at class level


Because descriptor dwells at class level, if one uses descriptor class implementation, all instances may share one common variable.

To fix that:

  1. Hoard one hidden variable in the instance
  2. Use a dictionary in descriptor class to store info of different instances.

The second solution needs the class hashable. (So a meta class is needed to guarantee hashability)

Personal view: To maintain Python’s one simple way to work Pythonists just introduced much more complexity.

